If one of the three levels hasn't cut it for you, you're probably struggling with:
Found the role you want, don't want to lose your one chance at applying
Anxiety from feeling like you can't land that role even though you have what it takes
Stuck at a dead end and it feels like an uphill battle
Everyone around me is in the position they want am I dong something wrong?
Finding it a major drag applying and networking
How it works :
Employment Sharks Masterclass propels you from where you are and puts you in the most ideal position we can get you together. These are the X stages
Pre Phase ( FREE ) : What you have and what you can get from the job market this will be discussed in the discovery call.
Phase 1 Destroying Rome : Identify false beliefs, get rid of procrastination, reprogram old hardware and create the mind shift needed to make you ready to obtain your dream job.
Phase 2 Readying-up : Refurbishing your CV skills, cover letter process, CV ATS friendly, hidden dynamics of an interview, transfer confidence into your success.
Phase 3 Applying : Applying for that one job can't be treated as just sending a CV and a cover letter. What if I told you there was a way to do it that guarantees you'll be heard? In this phase cut out all the time wasted and learn to find the sweet spot, how to find the quality application suited exactly for you.
Phase 4 Infiltration : One of the most important phase's after applying we don't just sit there after we apply no we absolutely crush ALL our competition. Find out why LinkedIn is so powerful, learn how to message your recruiters colleague's and give yourself a good rep before they've even read your CV, how to get your name heard by everyone in X company and using this for your advantage.
Phase 5 Multiply : We don't just identify one and give it our all, we scale infinitely. I'm going to show you how to repeat this process across the entire board with no feeling of drag, anxiety or doubt. Why applying and infiltrating makes companies compete for you and ultimately want you more. How to 3x your speed and get quality interviews.
Tools - What you need in your arsenal to optimize your CV, Cover letter, LinkedIn Optimization, Follow ups.
Design - This program is designed with you in mind and what you have.
Community - A group of people of equal or higher level that you can learn from, share pain with and connect with. Also crucial for references.
Support - 1:1 Support that directly addresses you and your needs, a laser focus on getting you what you want.
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